Monday, April 9, 2007

Todays Youth

Life is funny isn't it? I mean when we can call are selves parents but yet allow the government take complete control over are children but then when problems arise your the one responsible again. Some times you just have to laugh at these things, But is it really funny?

Think about it in a few years time this new generation coming along now will be on there own if not there already, and with there lack of parental guidance what else can we expect but to be robbed and slumped over to the side.

The problem is or more what I think it is; Is that the people in "charge" (Law Makers) have taken all the power away from the parents and put it into the hands of the children thus causing a home filled with reversed role's. Reversed roles ? Meaning you might be the one who wakes up day in and day out to feed everybody and provide but your not the one in charge. I mean do you think it is right for a child to tell his parent to shut there mouth because they don't want to hear it, and then when the parent rightfully takes disciplinary action the child threatens to call the police and have the parent put away in jail ?

Well if you do then this post is not for you, But for the others out there that think this is wrong, read on.

I remember when I was a child, Respect was the number one rule in the house and even in the streets. Second was do what I say not what I do ( meaning when I say do something don't ask me why... just do it!). For most people that were all the rules.. and they were simple enough to live by, but if you were a hardheaded child such as myself you happened to break the rules from time to time and you were quickly dealt with. How you may ask, well the most common way is a good slap on the bottom or for more ethic families such as mine a good beating OR if your a little country a good boot in the bum... I mean take your pick we all know we got them... that is if your 23 and up. The point is that these children are now out of control and someone needs to do something before it gets to the next step..

With Television pumping todays youth with (blunt) to the point songs contain violent and explicit lyrics that usually talk about killing someone along with sounds of gunshots in the background. Also music that refers to drugs as an everyday necessity to be cool its no wounder why todays youth is so confused and volatile.

With the mix of diminished parental control and television force feeding are youth with violent message and mass drug use I guess it would be safe to say were already at the next step .
The real question is people... how far will this be allowed to go? What does it take for more members of society to see this my way ? My way being that parents need there parental rights given back and children need more restraints, Musical arts need to be held accountable for the messages that they broadcast. We all need to work together because its are lives at stake...
Think about it when your elderly and this generation is having kids.. what kind society will we be in. I surely don't want to be beaten and robbed when i'm 60 - 70.

Just think about it...

**Dedicated to Jim**

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